Saturday, October 17, 2009

Childhood Cancer VS Drug Companies

On the topic of childhood cancer last night, my mom mentioned this article on USA Today's website.

As she gave me the gist of it, I found myself shaking my head in disbelief. To me, there was NO WAY she had her facts right. Who was going to believe that drug companies were purposely ignoring trials for childhood cancer for the express purpose of profit? It was too outlandish, too far fetched for me to comprehend.

So you can imagine my utter amazement when I hopped on the computer this morning and read almost word for word what my mom had told me the night before.

How can I be so naive, you wonder?

Let me spin it to you this way-

You spend your entire life as a child saying the pledge of allegiance at school, being taught that the war going on in Iraq is wrong, that we are almighty and righteous in every venture, that the United States is one of the BEST countries in the world... And then, this life changing event happens, and you find out that drug companies are making the decision to treat children with cancer with ADULT chemotherapy drugs based solely on the amount of money they "may" not make because, hey, childhood cancer just might not be as profitable as adult cancer?

Wow. I'm sorry (not really) but, you are telling me our children are the future, and in the same sentence saying we don't want to spend the money to properly care for some of them. Is this your idea of natural selection?

How about this article from American Association of Cancer Research?

The number one reason for lack of studies for childhood cancer treatments is that Cancer in Kids Is Not Profitable.

Let's talk about profit, and I am going to ask for a show of hands...

Would you rather hear that is almost eight TRILLION dollars in debt because:

A. Our banks are failing due to bad loans. *source FDIC*

B. Our country is paying to fight a war overseas that has cost us 4,328 of our own soldiers. *source Wikipedia*

C. We are putting the effort into curing childhood cancers, and eliminating recurrent cancer risks as well as other chemotherapy related risks due to using adult chemo.

I know what I would choose.

Stay informed, be proactive.

With everlasting hope,

Kristi Rufener